You’re a legend !Įdit thanks for all the positive responses I am really glad I could help out fellow gamers.

Kudos to the one who uploaded these files. It helped me out and I hope it helps you out aswell. It’s basically the missing files from the bad ripped version of the game.

Download this file Extract it into the tracks folder of the game and the game should work perfectly. Or If you already have this bad ripped version of the game. How to fix: Either buy the game since almost every site you visit to download the game from will have this problem. It’s not because something is wrong with the compatibility patch or something to do with your hard drive. Why the problem occurs: This happens because a bad rip of the game has spread across many download sites which doesn’t have the complete files of the game hence it gets stuck. The most common problem they get is that it gets stuck on the loading screen when you launch the game, even I faced this problem and I think I may have found a solution so if you are such a person keep reading. I know Burnout 3 is a special game to a lot of people around here and people have tried to run it using backwards Xbox original compatibility on the Xbox 360.